I have quiet bpd reddit

  • I have quiet bpd reddit. Now I feel like I need to add a little disclaimer - I am in this subreddit because I have been in abusive relationships with people who definitely have BPD. I truly have no sense of self and very low self worth I’ve got quiet BPD as well, made it to over 40 years old before discovering I had it. calling it high functioning is wrong. I am a big advocate of DBT and have started a workbook on it. Feel free to post, discuss, or just lurk. it's a subtype of bpd. I have a lot of the symptoms of BPD and my np said I have BPD tendencies. RO DBT was not developed specifically for quiet BPD; it was developed for "disorders of overcontrol", namely OCPD, AvPD, anorexia, anxiety that doesn't respond to treatment, etc. I dunno if that makes sense. Archived post. Before knowing I had BPD, looking back on one of my only relationships, my BPD was badlashing out, being manipulative, blaming him for everything, trying to get him to stay Generally speaking there are coworkers who pre-determine they won’t like you, will ignore your hello’s and then gossip a few days later when you stop saying hello, you’re the new kid and they speak aggressive about how you should’ve known “X” already, they don’t want to help you when you ask, accuse you of being slow or dumb (when everyone else agrees I’m fast and smart), and They have not reached out since and the last message they sent that day was “okay you want space. like top of the top achieved. Quite a lot psychologists don’t really believe in subtypes or don’t find them useful as the therapeutic approach will be quite the same anyway. Well I was uneducated apparently. I no longer have depression. I’ve read up online and I feel closely connected to quiet bpd. this also frustrates me to no end, (alot more than frustrates. I also have friends with ADHD, and the differences are very clear to me! But they may not be to people who don't know much about either condition. I also struggle a lot with my identity and the question of who I really am. That and that most hamrful behaviors here are turned against them. our bpd isn’t bpd lite or bpd easy mode. The "Symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD)" part really helped me. For those who have quiet bpd, how do you express splitting on someone, how do you act when splitting on someone, compared to someone who is splitting and has traditional/outward bpd? When you do split on someone, does it ever become noticeable outwardly to the other person, does it eventually come out in bursts of anger outwardly to the other I have quiet BPD, I’m 17 and got diagnosed two months ago. Everything makes sense. the quiet part is i have these angry outbursts when nobody is looking, when someone finds me it’s gone, when they are gone it’s back again. I wrote a poem about having quiet BPD. r/qbpd: For those with BPD traits that feel they fit the "quiet" subtype vs the classic borderline stereotype. Recently met up, made me feel like shit (bpd symptoms of perceived rejection) wish things were different. Two people with BPD diagnoses could have have just ONE shared BPD trait. I can't believe that when i'm expressing myself it feels like an elaborate lie. It doesn't show a stigma of what these symptoms are specifically. Bpd ain’t quiet by nature. I’m really fortunate because I know a lot of people live a lot of their lives and see so much chaos happen to and around them without them understanding why. Feelings were rekindled but can’t fully follow through with a potential relationship because of BPD. A lot of people think that it's "better" to be quiet borderline (kinda like how some people compare BP1 vs BP2 in terms of "severity" or whatever), but we experience all the same stuff as typical BPDers but it happens inside. They showed me quiet BPD and I related to everything it said except dissociation. com Jul 29, 2021 · Having quiet borderline personality disorder (BPD) — aka “high-functioning” BPD — means that you often direct thoughts and feelings inward rather than outward. i provide that bit of info to get into my actual question. almost everything about avpd i know i had to try to piece together from my own experiences, from myself. I'm currently listening to The Less I know The better by Tame Impala. there is simply I (16 year old female) am not diagnosed, but pretty sure i have quiet/ discouraged bpd and my family doesn’t really believe in mental illness and that’s why i’m constantly doubting if i should beg diagnosed. This paper suggests there are actually three sub-types of BPD, including two quiet variants. Some quick tips for you on your journey of understanding your BPD if you decide it seems to describe you: 1: Look into CPTSD because you likely have it if you have BPD. because we’re generally not high functioning, we just hide stuff, mask better. I have both. I am constantly in my head holding in my emotions through internal self talk. i heavily relate to most of the symptoms people with BPD experience, and had no idea a lot of my behaviours were symptoms to begin with. I'll be thirty at the end of the month, and I was misdiagnosed until a month ago. I started doing research, watching more people share their stories, looking at subreddits, etc. yet never wanted to work a day in his life. I'm finding it extremely difficult to deal with my current flare-up because I find it almost impossible to ask for help (because obviously I don't deserve it, and nobody should have to put up with me, and if I need anyone they'll leave me). Symptoms of cPTSD and BPD overlap and it really looks like those two are on the same spectrum. I want to give her the world. Broke up, still love her. avpd has had more impact on my life than bpd could ever HOPE to try. But I’m not the typical example of somebody with BPD. Most of us with quiet BPD are diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or bipolar. well, for starters: people with “quiet” bpd absolutely do have unstable emotions and fear of abandonment. The FP in BPD is specifically a source of emotional re Honestly, being someone with a more moderated expression of Borderline Personality Disorder, I'm somewhat angered when I see so many explanations of BPD and they're catered towards the loud, dramatic, hyper-impulsive type. We aim to help one another build the tools needed to help the person we love get through their journey to treatment, as well as support each other with understanding of BPD and what it can cause. ” They seemed to have been the quiet BPD type so I’m assuming I will never hear from them again. Personally, I’m solidly in the schizotypal-paranoid category. I identify with “quiet BPD”, so quiet it took until my 30ies to get diagnosed. The thing that is holding me back from giving her the world is my BPD. I definitely struggle with hating myself, self-identity, fear of abandonment, black/white thinking, feelings of emptiness, etc. I think DBT is absolutely beneficial to anyone struggling with emotion regulation in any aspect. you deserve to be in the company of those that don’t make you feel like you are hard to love. I think quiet BPD is absolutely horrific and it is torture. sure. There is no judgement in this place: we are here for each other. BPD is what they call people who are perfectly fucking sane attempting to live in a completely insane world- of alcoholics, academics and anyone else who can pretend to surpass your intelligence. I used to have all the common symptoms of BPD (i thought probably I used to be a quiet borderline To put it simply. (I know this is a very long post, but I wanted to make sure I described my experiences as accurately as possible since different mental health We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. g splitting in classic bpd is against others, but with quiet bpd, most splits are against themselfs. we have all the symptoms other borderlines have, it’s just internal. Only recently came to terms with the fact I do, in fact, have it. several bpd folks are misdiagnosed as npd and vice versa- most commonly with men. I don't really believe in it being a thing, everyone is different with bpd there doesn't have to be labels for it. As the other has mentioned here, Quiet (discouraged) BPD is a subtype of BPD that drives the anger inwards. Advice time. E. For me, when I’m triggered about something I tend to dissociate, blame myself for what’s happening (lots of internalized anger), spend too much, go on long unnecessary drives, send really long emotional texts (and then get really upset if the person doesn’t that it was time to put herself first for once Hahahahaha. My BPD causes me to have fast mood swings, impulsive behaviors, and paranoia, while my AvPD causes me to be overly sensitive, afraid of people, and have a fear of rejection. Tie it up with a bow. the only thing is i’m not very aggressive and have never had meltdowns that a lot of people describe. she was clingy and overbearing, declared me her fp within 5 days (like literally told me i was), and we could barely have a conversation where she didn’t mention her dx or that we Welcome! This is a community for people with Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder, their family members and friends or anyone interested in the subject. Instead he proposes a spectrum based system like gender. Members Online crow5000 Hey everyone, my name is Avery (they/them) and I have been making content about my experiences with Quiet BPD since 2021. These come and go in periods, and i struggle a lot more with romantic relations. I felt like I had some qualities of BPD but not all. My therapist literally told me I couldn't have BPD because I wasn't explosive and didn't act out. Do Have Abandonment Issues. Let me give an example: - intense but unstable relationships with others As my post pretty much says - I do have a hard time unstable relationships but that doesn't mean I can't have good ones. Hi guys so I was diagnosed with BPD about 7 years ago but I've just found out about the quiet BPD type thanks to Dr Daniel Fox! I'd like to know more about this from people who've known about it for a while (or recently) and may have some more insight/information about it or even tips! Yeah, it's so hard. People with quiet BPD may go under the radar often, because their issues are so internalized, so I guess they can go unnoticed by others too. She's been very open about her BPD diagnosis with me and I've tried to be as supportive as I can. While you can have a favorite person in a healthy way (i. Everyone I’ve met with BPD - their life is a mess and it’s incredibly destructive. And I'm currently at the last season of succession. secure attachments like best friends, a close parent, a trusted significant other), the BPD version called the "favorite person" dynamic is inherently unhealthy at best and nearly completely abusive or exploitative at worst. Specifically, BPD presents when people struggle to filter their emotions, whereas autistic people struggle to filter information and that leads "r/ BPD Loved Ones" is a support forum and safe space for people to discuss the challenges and abuse they have endured at the hands of someone who has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The Undercontrol/Overcontrol Theory can explain the differences between classic BPD and quiet BPD. "Quiet" BPD is also not a universally accepted diagnosis, some argue it's an indicator of a BPD misdiagnosis, but our understanding of psych/personality disorders is If I am going into a first session assuming the therapeutic relationship "is going to look/feel different" because it's been said they have BPD or "quiet BPD," I am already biased. I was diagnosed with bpd about a year ago, and since then i’ve done a lot of research on it. I don't think the distinction is particularly important-- people shouldn't be dividing the "types" of mental disorders like Hogwarts houses. Most websites have the same main symptoms, like unstable relationships, changes in self-identity/image, impulsive behavior, intense mood swings, etc. Hey, I have the same diagnosis. i have quiet bpd, and avpd. the way I've seen it characterised is when my sister (bpd) gets angry/upset she tends to shout/scream take out her anger on others around her, when I (bpd) get angry/upset I tend to take out my emotions on myself by drinking/self harming/thinking I'm a Well now we actually ain’t talking we have a big ass disagreement over $40 and her bf/rapist threatened to break my nose, r@p3 and strangle me and I mean shit escalated fast asf I bought her a plan B with money that I DO NOT at all have and now she’s cuddling up with the dude that raped her and told me that I’m never getting my $41 back and I feel so betrayed. being someone who is suspected of having quiet bpd, i have a very intense fear of abandonment and break ups. I love her very much. That was after she had been living at my place for like a year, I did all of the cleaning (including sweeping every day because of her dog), feeding / watching / walking her dog, grocery / supply shopping, etc - all the stuff to keep a household running all while trying to work 1. See full list on psychologytoday. She's told me I'm her closest and most stable friend, although I'm no longer her FP (that lasted from February through June). Exactly. how do i bring this up to her without sounding like i am seeking a diagnosis? i have never had a provider suggest I think I have quiet bpd but we aren’t sure yet- just received the diagnosis. I have quiet bpd (diagnosed) and I have actually never split on anyone, at least that I think. Jul 13, 2022 · Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a theory of BPD where mood swings and behaviors are directed inward, rather than out towards others. they may The classic is (and i know one with classic and one with quiet bpd) is that quiet bpd is directed against them. Space it is. A huge part of quiet bpd is just how everything is internalized and it’s just really painful and exhausting. My wife on the other hand, also BPD diagnosed, is not quiet at all. I have 'quiet' BPD, where all of my symptoms are internalised. I don’t relate to not wanting to feel abandoned which may be because I might have autism. Not a question, just happy to see someone else with quiet bpd! I was diagnosed with bpd last year or maybe 2017 and didn’t believe them, I refused to believe it bc it didn’t manifest as loudly and violently as typically shown. Hey I’m in the same boat! I haven’t been diagnosed yet but based on everything I’ve learned so far I really think I have it. Nov 7, 2023 · Quiet borderline personality disorder (BPD) is not a recognized subtype in terms of diagnosis; rather, it’s a term that refers to people who meet the criteria for diagnosis of borderline personality disorder but who don’t fit the typical profile. Jul 23, 2021 · Quiet BPD is an internalized disorder, and looks different from classic BPD. While I have become a master of isolation and distraction, she is the queen of confrontation and catharsis. I'm a guy with BPD and I'm looking to connect with more people who have bpd and maybe be friends and there for each other. Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder. So I posted earlier about some confusion from a comment in my doctors notes. People are not the same. My friend (who I've dated on and off) of almost a year has quiet BPD. My best friend who has BPD and symptoms that are vary eccentric/noticeable which i assumed was all BPD. Just one. i’ve been someone’s fp for almost 3 years now, i had my moments where i just thought “ am i really their best friend or is it just their bpd”. But I think a lot of psychiatrists love to give you a label just because it seems simpler or something. Wish you the best, take care. BPD occurs when a person lacks skills to cope with their own emotions. i’ve lost so many FP’s over the years and it is devastating end-of-the-world painful, but let me reassure you that there are those out there that when you show them your true self— they will go above and beyond to meet your needs, reassure you, show up for you, not judge you, and love you in a Jun 13, 2018 · Below, we’ve listed the nine classic symptoms of BPD, outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5). Like a “it’s not you, it’s me” and then I disappear and try to avoid human relationships. In many ways I think you're preaching to the choir. just as the title says, I recently watched a instagram reel of a girl speaking of her experience with quiet BPD and it was unsettling how relatable it was. I’m trying to gage whether or not my depression and anxiety are really just symptoms of quiet BPD. I’d been suspecting it for months. Members Online Expensive_Meet222 This is great advice. There are 9 BPD traits listed in the DSM and having 5 of them is enough for a BPD diagnosis. So I’m just wondering how people who know they have it would describe it. they only ever left once for about 2 weeks bc they were hurt by something i said. Members Online Expensive_Meet222 So basically quiet bpd isn’t an official type, but basically someone with ‘quiet bpd’ will basically internalize everything and act upon these internal feelings - for example, if a quiet borderline is splitting, they won’t make it known right off the bat since they won’t blow up on you, but you’ll start to see their behavior subtly change entirely based off their perception - a Part of treating BPD is learning to accept opposite and complex things coexisting at once. My body began to develop chronic psychosomatic pain from keeping so much inside. That being said, I feel I have borderline traits too that can't be summed up with these diagnoses, so I wanted to know if anyone here with BPD (particularly quiet BPD) could relate to my experiences. So my year in a treatment center had transformed my life, I have remission of most symptoms, I no longer feel that sense of emptiness that I used to. I know objectively I fit basically all the symptoms and the patterns are too obvious to miss once you see them, but over time i’ve learned to deal with my obsessiveness in a way where I not only appear fine, but also very mature and self aware to people and it makes me so confused. i’m considering bringing up to my psychiatrist to consider the possibility that i may have BPD. in my medical record from my psych i noticed that BPD was on my chart for things she wants to look into. BPD is classed as a personality disorder for, frankly, insider baseball reasons, but it's really a mood disorder. Wubba luba dub dub. I'm in love with Audrey Horne. e. This is a reddit community to welcome all who have a relationship (platonic, romantic or family) with someone suffering from BPD. I'm sure most can relate. I have the quiet BPD presentation but sometimes it doesn’t feel real. Literally the same sentence. ) its like all the borderlines are so loud, so dramatic, so demanding, there is no room for anyone or anything else. Welcome! This is a community for people with Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder, their family members and friends or anyone interested in the subject. There are differences, but many many people with Bpd probably also have C-ptsd from traumatic childhoods, and even though some therapists think the distinction between these two constructs is minimal, the best understand the distinction is very important as some people with BPD don't have past trauma and the treatments for each diagnosis are Personally, I present as quiet BPD to most strangers, but most people who know me well would say that I'm more of the petulant type. It’s not only that, i’m just afraid that i’ll depend on the medication too much and the side affect and stuff. r/BPD is a community of people with BPD (EUPD) and people who know someone with BPD looking for mutual support and resources to help guide them through their journey. i was briefly talking to someone else dx with “quiet” bpd and bp-2 (same as me for both), and idk if it was her diagnosis that was to blame but it was awful. Other symptoms of bpd like chronic emptiness and suicidal ideation are always present though. I hide my emotions a lot and take anger out on myself rather than other people. I also have OCD, so I can very well easily get obsessive over a certain topic, which will contribute towards my mood. Quiet BPD is often internalised, so you wouldn’t have the opinions of others in the equation to make you realise something is wrong or abnormal, and it’s typically something you deal with your entire lifetime, so it WOULD be normal to you. This subreddit is an abuse support forum. very unstable and impulsive. There's such a quiet in the silence that it is so deafening, almost to the point of your eardrums bursting. Also really unhealthy that in order to get help you have to be outwardly very distressed. Quiet BPD is not in the DSM (and the scientific literature to support it is sparse) Starting with the most obvious (but IMO the least important part of the discussion)—subtyping of borderline personality disorder is not recognized in the DSM. May 6, 2023 · Beyond Stereotypes: Emotional Detachment in Quiet BPD. I heard the exact same words. Do you fuck have “quiet bpd”. My psychiatrist has informed me that I have BPD. "r/ BPD Loved Ones" is a support forum and safe space for people to discuss the challenges and abuse they have endured at the hands of someone who has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). they tend to have heavy similarities to npd, as many symptoms coexist. Destruction in the Silence There's a destruction in the silence not a soul can detect. I've also studied the physiochemical and psychiatric aspects of both. I find myself wanting to escape to a place where I can be myself while at the same time, having no idea who I even am. so, as you could imagine, i had the worst anxiety in the whole world when It really sucks to have to make a scene when all of your instincts and coping mechanisms have been to downplay your illness and make things look ok. Both disorders cause me to have a negative / unstable self-image and fear that people won't like me. Quiet BPD is bullshit. There are many other ways to gather information on a client's lived experience, ways of coping, and needs in therapy that come from the client as a source. Those differentiators you mentioned in your first comment — I’ve seen those in people with c-PTSD and PTSD and not all of them match my BPD symptoms. Thank God I found a psychiatrist who could see what was really going on. I think I have quiet bpd because I suffer from impulsivity regarding alcohol and sex but I’m sober and in a commited relationship so this causes me to be more grounded. but i think that you’re really his best friend, i mean you’re his whole life really. To receive a diagnosis of BPD, a patient typically meets five out of nine of the listed criteria. My main piece of advice to anyone would be to try and differentiate between the two. those times he leaves I have diagnosed bpd and my experiences are somewhat similar, however I do sometimes struggle with emotions in other relations as well such as friendships and family. i have suspected i have (quiet, probably) BPD for most of my life. And all of the quiet representations are of introverted, masochistic individuals and there's never a middle ground. i definitely mostly have quiet bpd i don’t have emotional angry outbursts, i usually don’t cry in front of people unless if i am super hammered and with close friends, but the internal dialogue i do have and i avoid a lot of my problems, more subtle symptoms. The author addresses the vagueness around diagnosis - if you have 4/9 traits you’re not BPD but if it’s 5, welcome to the club. My husband agrees that I have BPD. There are 256 “official” ways to have BPD. It’s quiet when no one sees it. i get random moments of hyperness where i laugh a lot, and start saying and doing random stuff (looking for alcohol, start saying random religious stuff despite me being agnostic atheist) random moments My BPD manifests itself the MOST in romantic relationships, but because my BPD is quiet generallyso much of it is inside me, especially because I'm self-aware now. There are people who have a quiet type, and most of our suffering is not visible. Looks a bit like an depressive breakdown from outside. there is probably a spectrum for it, i wouldn’t say i am completely identifying "r/ BPD Loved Ones" is a support forum and safe space for people to discuss the challenges and abuse they have endured at the hands of someone who has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). I ghost people sometimes but I let them know I’m leaving, and that I emotionally cannot handle the relationship. I also have quiet BPD and AvPD and my experience sounds a lot like yours. the only person who knows about my past is my boyfriend. Making frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. I have noticed that the main difference is how we process a crisis. It's really hard and has taken me a lot of self reflection but I can now usually tell what symptoms are Bipolar and what are BPD, this helps me take the right steps to settle the symptoms. I make videos and stuff on TT and Insta, and I have recently launched a podcast as well about living and recovering with Quiet BPD. as you mentioned, mine only valued higher end things, his image, the finer things in life etc. he was also wicked smart. I don’t think anyone I’ve met would think I have a BPD diagnosis but they would agree with ADHD. . There are 256 different possible combinations of ways to have 5 of 9. Please refrain from self-diagnosis, diagnosing others, or advising specific medical treatments. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You can still meet all 9 of the diagnostic criteria and have quiet bpd. I am not sure if what I struggle with is BPD or not, but I suspect it is high-functioning BPD, or quiet BPD as it’s called sometimes. Before knowing I had BPD, looking back on one of my only relationships, my BPD was badlashing out, being manipulative, blaming him for everything, trying to get him to stay They have not reached out since and the last message they sent that day was “okay you want space. In the traditional view, emotional detachment was not often associated with borderline personality disorder (BPD), commonly understood as as i’ve grown older, ive owned up to my (horrible) mistakes and i feel guilty about it every single day. He also mentions some mental health professionals might have their own take on BPD which isn’t always accurate. Members Online stormy0009 the quiet part is i have these angry outbursts when nobody is looking, when someone finds me it’s gone, when they are gone it’s back again. ukpranpu vymoot gunh aajp bbklax xjkbdq xue imny rjf fvmnok