Bleeding but no cramps reddit

Logan Baker

Bleeding but no cramps reddit. I have fibroids and suspected adenomyosis. My cervix is also low with no discharge. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. After two weeks I started bleeding for three weeks. 1st m/c - 5 weeks prego, heavy bleeding, intense cramping and pain 2nd m/c - 4 weeks prego, just felt like a normal period chemical pregnancy. I'm experiencing mild cramping with this one too, though not as much. We went to the ER and baby was okay with 170 HR. . I had protected sex so I’m freaking out and confused. Bleeding not extremely heavy but still bleeding. And today I literally feel like I’m having contractions! It is so painful I feel sick and I’m so tried. tmi - photo warning! Hi there! I am 4 weeks and 4 days pregnant. maybe felt like super mild period cramps but barely noticeable. No bleeding but I have read that it’s normal and yes people go on to have a successful pregnancy. If you receive harassment via DM, please report the messages to Reddit admin (people who work for Reddit) so they can take action against those users. Any kind of movement like walking or peeing will set off a bad cramp. Feb 1 - The first few photos above showing red blood finally. Now, for the past 3 days she has been having light pinkish brownish bleeding and small clots. Missed miscarriage with terrible cramps, but no bleeding… I am currently 10 weeks + 5, and found out 5 days ago that my fetal pole/fetus was only measuring at 5 weeks, this was my first ultrasound. I'm experiencing some cramps right now. I get cramps no period too. I have no symptoms at all. This is my first pregnancy and I’m just afraid and shocked there is nothing I can do at this moment. Exactly 2 weeks after, I started cramping and bleeding a lot and also passed clots (including grey!) I swear my surgical abortion must’ve been incomplete and my uterus was expelling the rest - I felt like I was almost miscarrying. 5 weeks pregnant, have pretty bad cramps, seems to be my biggest symptom tbh! But they’ve been pretty mild, but tonight they’re pretty painful. Maybe minor cramping. Flow is so slow. I haven’t had any bleeding or pain since then. 5 days I'd say. I continued with brown discharge. Bleeding, passing blood clots but nothing big and no cramping. It has given me great skin and my PMS bloating, crying, depression, cramps are gone but im still bleeding. Had horrible cramping for most of the first trimester, not necessarily just the middle of the night. You will probably get harassed by trolls via private message. My boobs are still sore, cramping is mild and I'm nauseated (although I'm waiting on dinner to cook so could be hunger). Apr 25, 2023 · vaginal bleeding; mild cramping on one side of the pelvis; mild pain in the abdomen or pelvic region; If an ectopic pregnancy occurs, a doctor will terminate the pregnancy because it cannot safely Aug 21, 2023 · The bleeding is usually light and accompanied by abdominal cramps. 5 weeks may be too early for an US, but an HCG blood test and pelvic exam could help! I have had no bleeding since then. But 3 weeks after I started to spot again, next day it was like normal period bleeding, it was less than usual but was definitely like period, it was less but happened for 7 days straight, I had no cramps but I had really sore boobs! Hello, I’m a FTM. Also, the bleeding settled to a light red spotting. Usually I don’t want to start my period but I actually want to just so this will end! Anyone else have experience like this. Prayer to all who are going through this. We went to the emergency but unfortunately, there was no OB on duty because it was Friday and they couldn't perform transvaginal because they are all GPs. My mood is bad, I have low energy, and I've put on weight. I found out yesterday because we couldn’t hear the heartbeat with the Doppler device. But is this my period? Almost no cramps. Still no bleeding though. I also had bad constant lower back pain, similar to the pain I experienced with MC. Now I have been bleeding on and off since Christmas, with heavy bleeding since sat afternoon (waking up 3-4 times after bleeding thru a pad) but no pain or discomfort besides fatigue. 25F. Someone told me that this might be spotting cause when I wipe usually it’s very light and my pad has very little blood (since the beginning of Feb) I wasn’t in my country i was on vacation and the clinic I go to will open in 2 days. By the next day I was bleeding and starting to cramp consistently. I am currently 10w4d and still nothing has passed. But yeah, no bleeding, I wouldn't worry at all. The first time it happened I was 9. Prior to this, about 2 weeks after my last period, I was spotting for 2 days. I had the same amount of bleeding, at around 6months or so it did stop. it's like you're getting your period, but don'teventually that will stop. I bled somewhat heavily whenever I went to the bathroom on Wednesday and Thursday, but almost no bleeding in between bathroom visits. I have scheduled a doctors appointment and am not super worried about it but was wondering if anyone else has experienced random changes in consistency through the years with their IUDs and how they effect bleeding This morning I went to the bathroom and had period like blood come out, no clots and bright red. I put on period underwear and felt confident I had lost the pregnancy. I look 5 months pregnant, my belly is extended as far as it can go-it's Recently I've become close with a new friend and my period cycle migrated over to her period cycle. not sure how much longer i can take them. Just be mindful of severe cramps or bleeding. No clots, bright red, and it’s slowed. Only a few days after my first pregnancy test I started having more frequent and intense cramps but no bleeding. I am still currently cramps and bleeding. I had heavy red bleeding at 6. On my second pregnancy and no, I didn't really get any symptoms. And even with bleeding, sometimes it's normal. 2 weeks ago, I went in for my yearly check up, but I haven't stopped bleeding since. Yesterday, I had bright red bleeding with increasingly large clots on and off all day. Still today I have no symptoms. hiiii! I’m normally always on time for my period but I’m one day late now and I have absolutely no cramping. I'm back to bleeding today, but no cramping as of now! Hoping that I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s bizarre? I've been on Nexplanon for 6 years now - I got my initial implant removed and replaced with a second one last year. Today I have just minor cramps, more like a discomfort. I was bleeding and passing blood clots but nothing big and no cramping. It's one of the most common causes of bleeding in weeks 10 to 20² and is thought to account for 11% of all cases of vaginal bleeding in pregnancy. After days of cramps during my 5 th and 6th weeks of Pregnancy, they all dissapeared. I still haven't had any bleeding. Yesterday I got strong cramps (but not as strong as my usual period cramps, but still I felt like I had to lie down). Mild cramping without bleeding is usually considered normal. Should I be concerned? I've been getting them for the past three weeks but haven't had any bleeding. But i am having cramps today but no bleeding Should I go for pregnancy test? Is this normal? Please help me out! Hi everyone, Can someone explain to me what’s happening to me? This is unusual and today I woke up feeling nauseous and sick. no cramping either! i did have sex (no condom Random cramping, and then a cramp when I would orgasm, lasted most of the first trimester, but not all of it. Is it normal? Yeah that’s my main issue the bleeding between periods, but when I do get cramps on my period they are awful. Other medical conditions, trauma, and even smoking can cause spotting. I can’t actually go to my gyno because they no longer accept my insurance, but I am hoping they’ll be able to tell me what to do. And the next, and the next. i also had some really harsh cramping. I definitely recommend a heating pad and a comfy blanket once your cramping begins. When I first started the pill (combo) I bled for nearly 2 months. In this article, we’re going to explore reasons for having period symptoms without menstruating. I'd had no cramps but I am so bloated constantly. My second pregnancy had more like bad period cramping and that was more normal. Serious causes of bleeding in pregnancy include miscarriage which includes signs like bleeding, abdominal pain, and back pain and an exam shows that the cervix is open. I don't understand why I'm getting the cramps but not the bleeding. I ended up going to the ER because the pain was unbearable and it kept growing in intensity every hour. I'm 19 and I've had my period since I was 16 and nothing has ever been wrong/abnormal or late up until now (I'm a virgin I should mention so I'm not pregnant) I have been getting insane cramps, cramps to the point where I cannot even move, cramps that are so bad not even pain killers will take the Now I have been bleeding on and off since Christmas, with heavy bleeding since sat afternoon (waking up 3-4 times after bleeding thru a pad) but no pain or discomfort besides fatigue. The bleeding came with no warning of cramps or pressure. I have PCOS, and usually have bad cramps for a few days before I even start. This usually lasts for less than a week, and cramping may accompany it. Was heavy all day but had no cramps, followed by 2 days of no cramps and spotting. It’s definitely not there but the cramps are concerning a bit. Okay I have read that people do bleed and this is normal. It's way lighter than my period and no cramps but it's so annoying. But then it stopped after a while no period cramps. I thought for sure I was going to start bleeding any minute, and that lasted a few days. 5 weeks along. I also had really severe abdominal and lower back cramps for about a week after d&c, but didn’t bleed after the procedure day. I was in a mental tailspin wondering wtf was going on and then hypothesized that my period was syncing with hers and waited. My doctor said it's due to something called round ligament pain. A total of 3. Been bleeding on and off since then. I’m sorry, I’m sure that’s not what you want to hear. With this pregnancy I had constant cramping and bright red blood with clots ( tmi sorry) around week 8. Any bleeding I had was always indicative of miscarriage, though I also had bad period cramps along with the bleeding. Hi everyone I had a miscarriage last month at 5 weeks of pregnancy, and I bled like a normal period. On this one I had a little bit of brown bleeding at 12dpo and then got a positive test at 13dpo which I presume was implantation bleeding. implantation bleeding is actually far less common than not having any bleeding. I don’t know if that’s normal, but I had my post-op last Friday and my OB implied that it was fine, she had no concern and no follow-up was indicated. So I had my SA March 9 and had no bleeding or cramping after. Two weeks bleeding free and now I've been bleeding for four weeks. If the cramping is really strong and unbearable along with heavy bleeding that’s when you should be concerned, minor little cramps are pretty normal. About 2. You can take ibuprofen or tylenol 30 minutes before the misoprostol to help with the pain! I actually began cramping late at night on 8/5. I was 5 weeks 3 days. My doctor is concerned. The one who said he doesn’t think it’s Endo was the gynaecology specialist, he booked me in for another ultrasound in a months time. The bleeding may be accompanied by an abnormal vaginal discharge. Saw the practice nurse - this all turned out to be super benign. However, this is my 2nd pregnancy and I have not have any bleeding until now. As far as your lower mid section hurting when you cough or sneeze that’s most likely round ligament pain and is also completely normal and is pretty typical in pregnancy especially when your Jul 18, 2018 · When there is no bleeding, a doctor may only diagnose a loss during a routine scan. I was so worried and dreaded for the worst. All were natural without intervention too. Not enough to fill a pad and only bleeding when I go to the bathroom I went to the ED and they did a blood test and my HGC was only 25 and got my reports back from my GP that was taken on the 3/3 and the levels were 14 then (8 days ago). I had five day periods for years until the last few months they dwindled to three day periods, and this month I don't have a period at all. At first I thought the bleeding and cramping was around when my periods would be but it starting to be more and more frequent. It's a dream! I got a little a worried, because it was really little and don't know if it's healthy not to have the right amount of blood loss. I do however have sore boobs but nothing excessive—very tolerable and not as sore as in past cycles. Yesterday morning I was having minor period-like cramps, and expected I'd be getting my period. The last two days I have had some intense lower back cramps and what, in general, feels like my period would normally have felt right before it starts. So yes I’ve been bleeding weirdly for over a week now - light blood from light pink, mainly dark brown, and spotting red (no usual cramps or heavy flow to change pad I made a post here yesterday about how little cramping and bleeding i was experiencing during my medical abortion, i ended up taking 6 miso pills and after 7 hours i bled very moderately and had moderate cramps (pain was about 3/10 at the worst of it). but this time i haven’t had any spotting and i’m on the second last sugar pill with no signs of bleeding. It has now been 2 weeks I’ve been having just awful cramps (the same as when I’m on my period), but absolutely no bleeding. Enough to soak my underwear. Back to period underwear. This bleeding stopped within 24 hours. That said, it's usually nothing to worry about – although, once diagnosed, your doctor or midwife will want to discuss it with you. Then the cramps turned into much worse cramps/sharp pains to the point I woke up in the middle of the night to take ibuprofen. Had regular periods for two months, skipped the next month, then a kind of longer 7 day period. Today I had half a cup of blood loss after a whole nights sleep and I took 2 iron pills. Unfortunately I found out there was no heartbeat and I lost that pregnancy. I had bright red heavy bleeding last night without clots but with cramping. Last Saturday it was like red wedding down there and I had no idea. My HCG dropped. It is actually not common to randomly start bleeding this far into the 2nd trimester. I don’t think I’ve ever spotted before during my cycles! So this combined with a late period had me scared… Sorry you're going through this. So far NO cramps! A few very minor twinges the first evening. It couldn’t be seen on the ultrasound so it’s still very early. I possibly have a SCH which explains the bleeding, or just a wildly sensitive and vascular cervix, but whew the cramping is something else. However, the bleeding continued on and off for 2 more weeks after my bfp. But I have had no cramps, pain, or any symptoms really other than the actual bleeding. Is there a chance this pregnancy is still viable? I saw a big patch of blood in my sheet with a piece of clot but had absolutely no pain/cramps. Made me extremely sexually insecure. As long as its not severe, no cause for alarm. Yesterday, I went to the restroom and saw tissue/clot in the toilet. They also did a pelvic exam to confirm my cervix wasn’t dilated. There was 1 clot in the latest one. I have dropping hcg levels last drop was Monday was 2512 then two days later on Wednesday 2185, checking again in one week. It’s like my body and brain are not connected properly. No cramping or clots. I wrote it down for once, I decided to keep track in case it wasn't a one-off. Oct 17, 2023 · Spotting instead of period bleeding can be due to factors like stress, a change in birth control method, pregnancy, menopause, ovulation, an infection, a hormone imbalance, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or fibroids. The next pregnancy, the same exact thing happened around 7 weeks. If you’re saying the cramping is “severe” and worse than period cramps I’d get it checked out via ultrasound with your OB or midwife to make sure it isn’t something more serious. If you’re worried, you can always take a test. Go in an get another Doppler or u/s and ask what their 24/7 nurse line is if you don’t already know it. But there’s nothing I can do except rest, wait, and see. I'm on oral progesterone, and have been since I learned I was pregnant (3 weeks, 5 days) and I'm currently 5 weeks, 2 days). Today around 10 and I’m cramping pretty badly and bleeding again. When the really bad cramping began in early April, I had recently started seeing a new specialist, who upped my dosage to 5mg. I am 4 weeks and a few days as well and I have had mild cramping off and on and constant need to urinate. I tested negative on the pregnancy test that I took and when I took another one it was very faintly positive but barely. Make sure to take it directly after waking up or something when you haven’t urinated for a long time With my 1st pregnancy I also had random bleeding throughout the 1st trimester. I experienced No cramping or bleeding with the first 2 miscarriages until it was happening and done ( both were missed miscarriages). These have settled now apart from the bleeding. I’ve had many scans and nobody has mentioned blood or anything in the placenta or uterus so I’m not sure what to think. I am freaked out, scared, and so sick of the pain. At 5w1d, today, I soaked my underwear again with bright red blood. I put on a pad and fresh pair of undies and went back to bed. Sometimes it’s really light and no cramping, sometimes heavy cramping and no bleeding. Everyone is different. I know there's nothing I can do, I know there's nothing the doctor can do. I was terrified. I've been using super tampons every few hours but today it was a bit lighter. Basically my stool was bored of being stuck indoors and was cutting me up from the inside lol I get cyclical hormonal constipation. It’s Friday night and I am still bleeding when i go to the bathroom, just not as heavily as yesterday. 3rd m/c - 7 weeks, heavy bleeding but NO cramping or pain of any kind. Did anyone experience cramping before any bleeding? I had cramping and light spotting (mostly when I wiped) up until close to 8 weeks. 5 weeks (no cramping) that turned out to be a subchorionic hemorrhage. And when I say no side effects, I mean no version of BC even fixed my acne, not even the hormonal breakouts I’d get. I was put on bed rest for the weekend, which helped. About two weeks ago I already had some cramps but nothing serious. Your body is basically attempting to have a period, but the uterine lining isn’t thick enough to slough off and actually cause bleeding. Cramps are just uterine contractions, which is how blood gets from the uterus out of the body. My body just didn’t react that way with the hormones I guess, idk. I had literally one extremely mild cramp hours after taking the misoprostol, and that was it. I have been on Slynd and this is my 3rd month and i also have been bleeding 99% of the time. Mostly light brown spotting but two instances of red. Around week 5 or 6 the cramping went from mild to moderate. I thought for sure it was over. I had to stand up extremely slowly. But everything was ok! I’m 29 weeks now. The doctor said it’s a waiting game until my 8 week ultrasound and to just be on the look out for If you have period symptoms but no period, you might be wondering what’s going on. I put it on my back and on my abdomen. Woke up late today morning and there was only a small spot of blood in my pad and my bleeding had completely stopped. I started to get breakthrough bleeding in the last year and it was rather annoying - the cramping also got worse and worse. I found that I was having to be WAY more mindful of how I was positioning my legs and how I was sitting. I experienced cramping and 1 day of light bleeding around the time of my previous cycle when it came time and then it quit. I was on the combination pill for several years, went to Seasonale (withdrawal bleeding 4x/year) for a few years and then to completely continuous for about two years until yesterday. I did use a heating pad on a low setting. Some people get light bleeding, some people get heavier bleeding like you did, some people don’t bleed, some people get sore boobs, nausea, etc. The next day was the same. My issue now is that I’m on my period and have been bleeding quite a lot (with small clots atm) but I’ve had no cramps whatsoever. I proceeded to pass clots and what I believe was the gestational sac but I have yet to soak a pad. Feb 7, 2024 · Blood clots that appear when you are not having your period can be caused by a range of issues. Today, 8 weeks and 2 days pregnant, i started spotting, firstly Little amount of dark red blood, then Pink discharge. “If you’re cramping and bleeding, especially if you’ve had any medical problems that aren’t I had very intense cramps around 9/10 weeks that felt like contractions. Berkowitz. Throughout the day they are mild but about 7-8 times a day they make me curl up in a ball and cry for 30 minutes. Then at 12 weeks after my good NT scan I bled a ton and had terrible cramping. It was so frustrating and I didnt know that no OB's are on duty here in our country during Fridays. No spotting this time, just cramps, but it's right on time like I'm having a cycle. But no bleeding at all. I didn't have cramping with my first implant but with this second one I've been getting dull cramping in about the same area you're describing, though no 😺 radiation. I am 10w+2 and had some pretty bad cramping weeks 4-9. It was honestly a pretty scary time as I'm a FTM and had no idea the cramping could be so severe. 2/3. I am using birth control patch too. According to Flo my cycle ranges from 29-56 days, I'm on day 56 now and 12 days late. 3 hours later or so I had spotting with red blood but it was spotting and not bleeding. So I just got my first ever period the other day, I’m about 13 so that’s pretty normal. At 4w4d I began bleeding. However, nothing is happening. I feel like I’m going crazy seeing no one talk about endometriosis or fibroids etc causing pain. 5 weeks after that I suddenly I started spotting. She hasn’t had any cramping just a little stomach ache so i’m confused as to what it could be. yep. Freaking out I though the Last year I was told that if my iud did move, it would be pretty clear with bleeding and severe pain. Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit but I've been having a lot of trouble the past 42 hours. Last week, I had just barely recovered (still in pain, but pretty functional), when I woke up Tuesday at 4:30am with terrible cramps again. Week 9, I did have some bleeding, but everything was fine. Vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy may also sometimes indicate a serious problem. I am now on my third and what's crazy is how different all 3 have been. The dr confirmed the baby no longer had a heartbeat and I miscarried the next day. I got medium intensity cramps 24 hours later and am still bleeding heavy (this is normal for my periods as well). My HCG however has dropped from 95000 at 9 weeks to 43000 at 11 weeks. Doc comes back and says that it’s one of two options: active miscarriage, or a potential cyst that’s ruptured alongside an early pregnancy. But the period was almost nothing! I say wait till about 6-7months and if it’s still bleeding check out other options! Hello ladies, i had my periods on 30th April and app suggest my next period will be in 4-5 days. I called my obgyn and she got me in the next morning, everything was normal, my blood type is positive, so she set up another ultrasound two weeks out & said to keep her posted as far as bleeding goes. I feel so hopeless. Now since yesterday I have awfully aching legs (they always hurt when I have/am about to get my period) and stinging pain on the right side of my stomach. 1 day ago · Pregnancy Week 41. Yesterday I had some pretty bad cramping again and I believe I passed what looked like the placenta, if not that definitely a large piece of tissue. But since some of them can be serious—including uterine fibroids, endometriosis, bleeding disorders, miscarriage, and cancer—it's best to see a healthcare provider. I want to know if anyone has gone through something similar. I found out at 8w1d and confirmed no more growth at 9w5d. Today, i woke up to very light spotting, and have barely bled throughout the day. I called my dr, and the nurse said it was normal and to go to the ER if I start cramping. It hasn’t been a full 24 hours but when I took the first pill I started slightly bleeding with little clots. But definitely more than spotting. No bleeding had started as of 5am on 8/6 so I inserted the misoprotol tablets. Pregnancy Week 42. I had random bleeding one day at 22w (no sex, no heavy lifting) it was scary but ended up being fine. Since this point I have bled heavily, but no flooding the pad in 30 minutes which I know is the point of concern. I'm now home and the bleeding is slightly heavier again but still not as much as earlier. If the uterus does not empty, or if Usually my cycles are about 30 days. Update: it’s been 3 days of varying levels of bleeding and cramps. I’m going to the doctor in March for my annual so i’d prefer to wait till then to get it checked unless it gets really bad. it’s my first time on birth control (mya) and i’ve been on it for two months now, last month i started spotting during my last active pill and then had a really heavy period during placebo week. Yes I am also going through a miscarriage. Just looking for some reassurance. It is very common. During both incidents, I’ve not had clots or cramping. I didn’t have any symptoms after mifepristone, but misoprostol is the medication that’ll clean out your uterus (bringing the bleeding and cramps). I’m at 9w+ still having cramps and searing sharp pains if I twist the wrong way, but it hasn’t worsened since I mentioned it to the doctor so I figure this is how it will be. No internal haemorrhoids, no blood in stool, no need for further exams. I had I had mild cramping on and off for weeks but no bleeding. This has happened nearly every week since. Now I'm reading more accounts from women who've had the kyleena and never stopped getting painful cramping, even after more than a year. Since it was the 3 hour mark and bleeding had started, I didn't take the extra two pills (also fearing the pain). I had bleeding yesterday and i thought i got my period. Hopefully you’ll just feel comforted but if you’re bleeding, I can’t think of a And over the last 4 days I have had on and off cramps. Posted by u/giza_rohi - 3 votes and 6 comments We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. No pain. You should call your doctor, like, yesterday though. Your uterus and surrounding muscles are growing and stretching to accommodate a growing uterus. Jan 29, 2019 · Heavy bleeding accompanied by cramps is the most common sign of miscarriage, says Dr. They ran tests and did an ultrasound and everything was fine. My back is kinda starting to hurt now but I’ve been bleeding for 3 days with no cramps. I’m on about day 2 now, but have felt no cramps, no headaches, no mood swings, nothing. not spotting. Keep in mind, I have not had any cramping at this point, and my normal periods are VERY painful. I have no cramping or fever. I did have implantation bleeding, but it looked exactly the same as my usual pre-AF spotting, so I actually think it was just my normal spotting that stopped rather than implantation bleeding caused by the pregnancy. There's no chance of me being pregnant because I'm a virgin. I had started experiencing some dark brown spotting so they moved my ultrasound up a few days, but I was unable to get an appointment with my Flash forward now to October I’ve had a few more episodes of painful cramping since then. I had a lap to remove endometriosis in sept 2022 and had almost no issues with my periods up until Dec 2023. It's not enough to be a period, it's quite light. And light bleeding. TL;DR: I had 2 bleeding incidents and baby is still good! I bled at 10 weeks with no cramping and baby was fine. I had multiple episodes of bleeding in my early weeks and they told me I had a subchorionic hematoma however today they saw nothing. On Sunday night I had some intense cramping for about an hour no bleeding I have been lightly spotting, then all day yesterday and so far today I’ve had painful cramps all day with no bleeding just light spotting. We went to the ER and they were able to do an US to confirm there was a baby in there and a HB. The ER doc couldn’t say what the bleeding was from, said it could be a subchronic hemorrhage but that he doesn’t have the means to find out and that I’d have to wait and see. After that he said they may look into putting me on the pill to regulate the bleeding. Each week it looked the same, the only difference is, I did not always have cramping, one heavy day and a couple of light, barely there, days. Anytime before 8 weeks, they wouldn't/couldn't do anything to help, just had me monitor the bleeding. I just started bleeding, very, very light brown at first then full on heavy red. It’s normal, it can take 3-6 months for the bleeding to regulate. Now I’m spotting and bleeding randomly almost everyday for multiple weeks on end. Then nothing overnight and today I have had a bit of brown spotting (very little). For the cramps, I did not take any medicine (ie Tylenol) because I was scared to take medicine. Welcome to r/abortion!We work hard to keep this a supportive community. It hasn’t been too much bleeding but yesterday morning it was enough to soak through to her bed sheet. After that the bleeding tapered off last night and completely stopped over night. I bleed profusely with my first natural miscarriage and the heavy bleeding lasted several days. I did take ibuprofen, gravol, and acetaminophen prior to the miso though and a 2nd dose after 6hrs so maybe would have felt more without? But no nausea or About 3 weeks ago, my period started and it wasn't heavy and no cramps so I was back to how it was prior to the IUD. It’s not a real period, just breakthrough bleeding which can come with cramping. No cramping no bleeding nothing. Three weeks on and I'm still getting cramps for most of the day, every day. The doctors also said it was normal. Went in at 6w for a scan because of the cramping and everything looked normal. My period was running late this month and at about 6 days late, I started experiencing intense menstrual cramps but no bleeding. I had three PMS that month and the one following, breasts were sore, a few spots on the chin. Because it’s such a massive amount of hormones, your cycle could very well be delayed for a while - some people report up to 80 days before their next period. No cramps, no discomforts. So no downsides, no upsides (until the Norethindrone which as mentioned, just stopped the bleeding). I am 11 weeks and I spontaneously started bleeding a lot while sleeping. They basically told me on the phone there is nothing to be done until I can get in for an ultrasound to see the cause on Monday or Tuesday. ygnsp emqvm wfqm wxthbm urdv fyve qxhe mcq dhecuyx cgpjkf